Courses Offered
Data Science With Tableau
1 Data Science Training
2 Data Science
2.1 Introduction to Data Science
3 R Programming
3.1 Introduction to R Programming
3.2 R Programming Concepts
3.3 Data Manipulation in R
3.4 Data Import Techniques in R
3.5 Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) using R
3.6 Data Visualization in R
4 Big Data & HADOOP
4.1 Big Data and Hadoop Introduction
4.2 Understand Hadoop Cluster Architecture
4.3 Map Reduce Concepts
4.4 PIG
4.5 HIVE
4.8 Apache Spark
5.1 Introduction to Python
5.2 Strings and Collections
5.3 Modularity
5.4 Objects
5.5 Collections
5.6 Handling Exceptions
5.7 Iterables
5.8 Classes
5.9 Files and Resource Management
6 Machine Learning
6.1 Introduction Machine Learning
6.2 Clustering
6.3 Decision Tree Classifier
6.4 Random Forest Classifier
7 Big Data Analytics with Tableau
7.1 Tableau
7.2 Connecting to Data
7.3 Hierarchies
7.4 Terminology
7.5 Adding The Intelligence Factor
7.6 Dashboards Defined
Defining BI and its Importance
Architecture of Data Flow
Stack description in BI
Describing Reporting needs in business through a model
Queries from Business Owner
Understanding the requirement of BI system
Difference between OLTP and OLAP
Example of BI Query
Delivering information through BI platform
BI platform in BI technology stack
Information delivery in BI
BI becoming the Market Leader
Introducing Dimension hierarchy
Product dimension hierarchy
Implementation of MD model
Analysis techniques in OLAP
Understanding Report type through List Matrix
Installing MicroStrategy
Report format Analysis Techniques of OLAP
Describingtwo major report types: List and Matrix
Understanding Investment Cube before any slicing
Dicing and Pivoting
Concepts of Drill-up and Drilldown
Describing Rollup with investment ($) diagram example
Aggregating Sales Data
Deep dive in hierarchal view
MicroStrategy BI
User Interface of MicroStrategy
Intelligence server
Intelligence server details
Categories of Analytical Module in MicroStrategy
Sub Categories of MicroStrategy Tutorial
Reportvs. documents
Objects in MicroStrategy
Type of Schema Object
Types of Application object
Types of Configuration object
Project Training with Dashboards
Android App Development
5.1 Introduction to Android
5.2 Android Architecture Overview
5.3 Setup of Android Development Environment
5.4 Your Android Application
5.5 Your First Android Application
5.6 Publishing to the Play Store
5.7 Activities
5.8 Android Testing
5.9 Fragments
5.10 User Interfaces
5.11 Advanced UI
5.12 Android Material Design
5.13 Resources
5.14 Broadcast Receivers
5.15 Background Services
5.16 Intents
5.17 Storing and Retrieving Data
5.18 SQLite Database
5.19 Native Content Providers
5.20 Custom Content Providers
5.21 Web Services
5.22 Parsing, Parsers
5.23 Location Based Services
5.24 Integrating Google Maps
5.25 Telephony
5.26 Multimedia in Android
5.27 Bluetooth
5.28 Social Networking Integrations
5.29 Debugging and Testing Android Apps
Core Java
JDBC 4.0
Introduction to JDBC
JDBC architecture
java.sql Package
Connection, Statement, ResultSet
Prepared Statement
Callable Statement
Scrollable and Updatable ResultSet
Batch Updates
Simple Transaction Management
Four Levels of JDBC drivers, their pros & cons
Features of JDBC 3.0
Servlets 3.0
Need of Server side Programming
Introduction to Servlets
Servlet Life Cycle
javax.servlet package
ServletConfig, ServletContext, ServletResponse
Supplying initialization parameters to Servlets
Performing database operations in Servlets
Include and forward mechanisms
Applying filters to Servlets
javax.servlet.http Package
HttpServlet Life Cycle
Http request methods GET vs POST
HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse
Dealing with Http headers & error codes
Session Tracking, purpose
Hidden form fields, Cookies
Http Session, URL rewriting
Event listeners
Web application security
JSP 2.2
Disadvantages of Servlets
Introduction to JSP
JSP Life Cycle
Creating dynamic Web content with JSP
Scripting elements
XML syntax for JSP elements
JSP directives page, include and taglib
JSP implicit objects
JSP scopes
Include and forward mechanism
Using a Java bean in a jsp
JSP Model 1 architecture
JSP Model 2 (MVC) architecture
Custom Tag Development
Classic Tags, Simple Tags
Error Handling in a jsp
Expression Language
Processing XML in a JSP